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Friday 7 de March, 2025

Spells Directory

Change your life
Welcome everyone to my Spells page. For those who have not experienced in the art of casting spells, a word of warning ... These pages contain Black, white and gray magic. Black magic is put here for educational purposes. Those who wish to practice Black Magic must understand the laws of the universe ... What goes around comes around! If you send evil out, it will eventually come knocking on your door again.
www.changeyourlifespells.com   |   2013.05.23

Spells and magic
Welcome everyone to my Spells page. For those who have not experienced in the art of casting spells, a word of warning ... These pages contain Black, white and gray magic. Black magic is put here for educational purposes. Those who wish to practice Black Magic must understand the laws of the universe ... What goes around comes around! If you send evil out, it will eventually come knocking on your door again.
www.spellsandmagic.com   |   2013.05.23

A spell, charm or spell is a set of words, explicit or not (the prayer). Casting is regarded for its ease of invoking some magical effect. There is historical evidence of the use of some kind of spells in many cultures around the world. Pharmakeia often the vehicle for someone with a spell binding with and without pronounced words. Often someone with a spell binding by using spoken word formulas involves the use of evocation.
en.wikipedia.org   |   2013.05.23

Magic Spells
Offering Magic Spells for Love and Money, White Magic Spells, Talismans and Charms, also information on witchcraft and wicca available.
www.newspells.com   |   2012.12.31

Free Magic Spells
Hundreds of free magic spells for love, money, and protection; black magic, white magic, candle magic, hoodoo rootwork, lucky charms, high magick, folk magick, conjuration, and witchcraft.
www.luckymojo.com   |   2012.03.19

Love Spells
Everything Under the Moon offers free love spells, money spells, witchcraft & Wicca spells, tarot readings, forum, and much more.
www.everythingunderthemoon.net   |   2012.03.19


Spells are a type of magic that consists of thinking, feeling and speaking words or doing certain actions that are focused on getting what is wanted by using energies, either their own or energy of other beings or entities from other dimensions.
A spell is considered a positive one when it is used while practicing white magic, while maintaining respect for the harmony of the universe and acclaiming for the help of angels or beings of light.

When making use of dark forces or energies of low frequency, such as hatred, envy, resentment, anger or ambition, for personal gain by harming others, then we say that these are negative spells.

There are several reasons why negative spells are performed, for example, desire for power, greed, to obtain benefit, enjoyment, low self esteem, emotional or mental imbalance, pride, revenge, influences, spite and intolerance, among others.

There are different ways to perform a spell, from a simple look or gesture to a ritual, depending on the degree of power and experience of the magician who carries it out, as there are those who perform them very easily and others require more effort.
There are also people who use personal items such as clothing or hair to direct the force and energy toward the person the spell was cast onto and so the entities will recognized the individual by the vibration.

The procedure for performing a spell begins with the development of energy, through a ritual. Then it continues by instructing the entities to retain and then be sent to the person you want (it should be very clear to who it will be sent to) and finally, the person is submerged into energy that prevents him or her from undoing the spell, providing a type of seal, one that only the magician who made it or someone with more power can dissolve.

The permanence of the spell depends on the order that was pronounced while doing the spell, for example, if the spell is directed at a person and their descendants, it will end in the corresponding generation.